Wednesday, July 1, 2009

spontaneous 1st of july 2009

08.00 : woke up
08.30 : breakfast
09.00 : took a bath
09.10 : went to school for orientation meeting
09.20 : arrived at school
11.30 : the meetings over
11.35 : on the way to rizky's house for his birthday
(i can't find his house so my driver had to turn back and look for the left turn again. after we find the turn, we can't find the house)
11.45 : arrived there
12.20 : went to citos with gita, naurra, stefanny, dinto, kiki
12.30 : arrived there
(because i can't be there too long because i need to pick my mom up at kemang i only stay there for a couple of minutes)
(but then some of them wanted to go to kemang so i decided to stay longer hehehe)
13.00 : they decided to go to kemang because there are nothing to do at citos
13.15 : arrived at kemang. meet my mom at sate senayan
(asked my mom if i could stay with my friends and not come to ancol. and she said yes)
13.30 : i decided to stay with the guys while my mom went back home and go to ancol with my sisters and cousins
14.00 : walked to la codefin to eat lunch
14.00 -14.30 : walked around looking for the perfect place to eat
(i know it took a very long time to pick a place. yeah we are the crazy walkers (?))
14.30-16.00 : eat and chat. stefanny left early to go to another party
16.00-18.00 : karaoke haha
(we totally didn't plan this. we got bored and so we decided to do karaoke)
18.00-19.00 : wait to be picked up by gita's driver. rizky left us -_- just me gita naurra dinto
(dinto was so noisy. he wanted to go home. naurra was also noisy. she wanted to drink)
19.30-ish : arrived at my house. wait for naurra to be picked up. watch ppp.
then relaxxxxxxxxxx

starting from rizky's house, it's all unplanned :D

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