Wednesday, August 18, 2010

tummy problem

I'm sick. The doctor said it's digestion infection. I knew it! The foods in the pesantren Ramadhan wasn't clean. Here's how I first knew about it.
On my 2nd of pesantren, I had a terrible stomachache. Every time I moved, the pain came back. I had to lie down and curl to a ball like shape so I didn't feel the pain. Trust me, if you saw me you'd laugh your ass off. From then on, I knew it was because of the foods because each time I finished eating and drinking, the stomachache came back.
So now I'm at home, resting, can't go to school. I normally would cheer but high school got a lot of tests and assignments so me not going to school means me getting a lot of work. *faint*
Hope I get better soon because I don't wanna see piles of assignment near my birthday :/

P.S. tomorrow is my friend, Ines', birthday! Too bad I can't go to school :''''(

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